Want to make your mark on the world?
Curious about the world of Conservation and Land Management, Agriculture or just something a bit different?.. And if sitting at a desk and punching in and out of a 9-5 job leaves you running for the hills then you definitely need to read on!
As advocates for environmentally sustainable practices, we offer several courses within the Agricultural, Conservation, Environmental and Rural Industry sectors, educating our future generations and working towards preserving our natural resources. Getting outside, getting practical and in the field, the below courses are some examples of what you can get involved with, working towards a career with a difference!
Certificate III in Conservation and Land Management (AHC31416) is a fantastic opportunity for you to gain a qualification in a highly-sought after industry, focusing on Conservation, the Environment and Sustainability. Taking care of and being aware of threats to our ecosystem is increasingly important and if this is an area you are passionate about, want to learn more or wish to contribute to, then we would love to help you achieve that. This is also an excellent lead into the Diploma of Conservation and Land Management (AHC51116) if you are interested!
ACDC is not just a band (quality of music is open for debate), but it’s also our course in Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control. This course links our pest management training strategies, conservation land management strategies as well as our rural operation strategies and would suit individuals wanting to hold an unrestricted ACDC license.
Chainsaw Operation and Maintenance Courses, seems self explanatory (!) however we also blend worksite health and safety requirements when operating hand-held chainsaws to carry out routine work.
We are extremely passionate about making sure you are as excited about your training as we are to train you, so if you think you might be interested in any of the above short courses or qualifications, or just have some questions about a possible pathway, please get in touch for a training experience with a difference!
1300 738 098 or info@ballistic.edu.au