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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)


Recognition of prior learning means recognition of competencies currently held, regardless of how, when or where the learning occurred. These competencies may be attained through any combination of formal or informal training and education, work experience or general life experience. In order to grant RPL, the assessor must be confident that the Student is currently competent against the endorsed industry or enterprise competency standards or outcomes specified in Australian Qualifications Framework accredited courses. The evidence may take a variety of forms and could include certification, references from past employers, testimonials from clients and work samples. The assessor must ensure that the evidence is authentic, valid, reliable, current & sufficient.


Ballistic Training Solutions appreciates the value of workplace and industry experience, and recognizes that Students will acquire vocational skills and knowledge from a variety of sources other than formal training. These skills are legitimate irrespective of how they were acquired and the RPL process is designed to provide validation of such relevant skills.



Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process that assesses an individual’s formal, non-formal and informal learning to determine the extent to which that individual has achieved the required learning outcomes, competency outcomes, or standards for entry to, and / or partial or total completion of a VET qualification.

The recognition of prior learning (RPL) process will be offered to and explained to all relevant Students. All Students will have access to Ballistic Training Solutions’ RPL policy which is contained in the Ballistic Training Student handbook and is available on request.

Students who believe they have already obtained current skills and knowledge that would otherwise be covered in the qualification / unit of competence for which they intend to attain, should apply for RPL at the time of enrolment. The Student’s skills and knowledge will be assessed and validated, and where appropriate, units of competency acknowledged and face-to-face training reduced.

As part of the Ballistic Training Solutions enrolment policy, trainers will advise Students of the availability of RPL policy, explain what the process involves and how it relates to the attainment of the qualification in some circumstances. Trainers will remind Students of this option progressively throughout their time in training, in order to provide multiple opportunities for Students to engage in the RPL process.


  • Training and assessment strategies are developed for each qualification / unit of competency that will be delivered and assessed

  • All training programs will require the development of a training and assessment strategy for full and partial completion of a qualification

  • Each training and assessment strategy will be developed in consultation with industry representatives, trainers, assessors and key stakeholders

  • Training and assessment strategies will reflect the requirements of the relevant training package and will identify target groups

  • Training and assessment strategies will be validated annually through the internal review procedures



Ballistic Training Solutions will apply the Principles of Assessment and the Rules of Evidence.

To ensure quality outcomes, assessment should be:


  • Fair

  • Flexible

  • Valid

  • Reliable

  • Sufficient

  • Current

  • Authentic



Ballistic Training Solutions acknowledges the critical role that assessment plays in determining the competency of Students. In developing the assessment (including RPL) for each qualification and unit of competence, the CEO will ensure:

  • Compliance with the assessment guidelines from the relevant training package, qualification and unit of competence of accredited course

  • Assessment leads to a qualification or statement of attainment under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)

  • Assessment complies with the principles of competency based assessment and informs the Student of the purpose and context of the assessment

  • The rules of evidence guide the collection of evidence to support the principles of validity and reliability

  • The application of knowledge and skills is relevant to the standard expected in the workplace, including skills for managing work tasks, contingencies and the job environment

  • Timely and appropriate feedback is given to Students

  • Assessment complies with Ballistic Training’s access and equity policy

  • All Students have access to re-assessment on appeal


Ballistic Training Solutions implements an assessment system that ensures that assessment (including Recognition of Prior Learning) complies with the assessment requirements of the relevant training package or VET accredited course.

Ballistic Training Solutions recognizes  that each unit of competency contains assessment requirements relating to; performance evidence, knowledge evidence and assessment conditions.

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Phone: 1300 738 098

Postal Address: PO Box 7502 Sippy Downs, 4556 Queensland Australia

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