Ballistic Training Solutions Pty Ltd
ABN: 30 156 084 481 / ACN: 156 084 481 / RTO: 41097
Tailored Nationally Recognised Training To Meet Your Industry Needs

The Following Questions and Answers are provided based on regular queries, for further information, please don't hesitate to contact us to discuss your specific training needs.
1) Q: What courses do you offer?
A: Ballistic Training Provides a range of Business, management, training/assessment, work health & safety and industry training programs, please see "Our Courses" page for more details.
2) Q: What Materials do I receive from BTS with my course?
A: Depending on the course BTS will provide all appropriate materials for the completion of the course.
3) Q: What Support is provided throughout my training?
A: Ballistic Training supports each of its students with ongoing contact and feedback as you work through your course.
4) Q: When will I receive my Qualification?
A: Once you have submitted all of the required assessment materials, these have been assessed and all associated course fees have been paid you will receive your qualification/statement of attainment.
5) Q: If I complete a course with BTS is this Nationally recognized?
A: Yes, Ballistic Training is a Nationally Registered Training Organization providing Nationally recognized training to industry and students.
6) Q: Do I obtain feedback on my progress and assessment activities?
A: Yes, your trainer/assessor will provide ongoing feedback throughout your training plan and on completion of assessment activities along with the support of the BTS team who will check in to see how you are progressing from time to time.
7) Q: Why should I choose BTS as my training provider?
A: Ballistic Training is committed to providing you with the highest standard of training and assessment support to ensure that you achieve your full potential through your chosen program.
8) Q: Does BTS link into any specific industry areas?
A: Yes, Ballistic Training provides training and assessment services across a wide range of industry and actively participates in industry development and consultation activities.
9) Q: What is RPL and is it right for my situation?
A: RPL is a Recognition of Prior Learning assessment which is sometimes suitable for people who have undertaken previous study or have a detailed background of work in the area of study which can be assessed against the competency requirements. RPL will require a detailed portfolio of evidence to be compiled against the unit competencies. Prior to accepting an RPL enrolment Ballistic Training will require you to complete an RPL Self Assessment to ensure that this is an appropriate strategy in your situation.
10) Q: How can I obtain more information?
A: We are only a an email or a phone call away. Please see our "Contact" page for full details