Ballistic Training Solutions Pty Ltd
ABN: 30 156 084 481 / ACN: 156 084 481 / RTO: 41097
Tailored Nationally Recognised Training To Meet Your Industry Needs
BSB30719 Certificate III in Work Health and Safety
Course Overview
This qualification reflects the role of individuals performing work health and safety (WHS) duties in addition to their main duties. They may provide technical advice and support to a team and apply a range of competencies in varied work contexts. It provides the skills and knowledge required to contribute to a variety of WHS tasks.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication
Available Units of Competency
BSBWHS307 Apply knowledge of WHS laws in the workplace (Core)
BSBWHS308 Participate in WHS hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control processes (Core)
BSBWHS309 Contribute effectively to WHS communication and consultation processes (Core)
BSBWHS310 Contribute to WHS issue-resolution processes (Core)
PUAFER001 Identify, prevent and report potential facility emergency situations (Core)
BSBWHS331 Participate in identifying and controlling hazardous chemicals (Core)
BSBINS302 Organise workplace information (Elective)
BSBWHS416 Contribute to workplace incident response (Elective)
BSBWRT311 Write simple documents (Elective)
BSBPEF301 Organise personal work priorities (Elective)
BSBWHS332X Apply infection prevention and control procedures to own work activities (Elective)
Entry Requirements / Pre-Requisites
Not Applicable
Qualification Structuring Rules
To be awarded the BSB30719 Certificate III in Work Health and Safety competency must be achieved in 11 units comprising of:
· 6 core units plus
· 5 elective units, of which:
· 3 units must be from the elective units below
· 2 units may be from any currently endorsed Training Package or accredited course at the same qualification level
· If not listed, 1 elective unit may be selected from a Certificate II or Certificate IV from any currently endorsed Training Package or accredited course.
· Elective units must be relevant to the work environment and the qualification, maintain the integrity of the AQF alignment and contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome.
Delivery Options
Face to face, workplace assisted and remote delivery support strategies available.
Course Duration:
12 Months tailored depending on student & client requirements. Options include Student Self-Paced Workbook and Project Delivery supported by ongoing Trainer/Assessor Assistance, worksite workshop delivery linked to worksite operational employment activities supported by Trainer/Assessor visits. Each client’s requirements being considered, some homework activity and student time management will be important to ensure we maintain the volume of learning requirements on this qualification. 12 Months can be extended by the student through an application process.
Cost is determined based on the individual student requirements, assessment strategy and any potential funding applicable.
As an indicative guide the following options are available with this program:
· Qld User Choice Program Eligible - Yes
· Qld Certificate III Guarantee Eligible Program - No
· Non-Funded Full Course Fee - $2500.00
· RPL Assessment - (Available based on individual student circumstances and will vary depending on number of units you successfully gain recognition for, the fee structure of the course and any assessment or gap training requirements. You will be provided with an approximate cost based on your RPL application and agreed course training plan)
Full details of fees and charges are available from Ballistic Training Solutions by contacting one of our consultants to discuss your individual requirements.
On successful completion you will receive a BSB30719 Certificate III in Work Health and Safety nationally recognised qualification. In the event that you do not successfully complete the entire program, you will be awarded nationally recognised Statement of Attainments for each successfully completed Unit in the Qualification.
Education Pathways
The BSB30719 Certificate III in Work Health and Safety is in the Business Services Training Package and links to further training opportunities at the Certificate IV, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Post Graduate Study level in Work Health and Safety.
Occupational Pathways
Health & Safety Advisers, Work Safety Officers, Site Safety Contacts
Where to from here
If you are currently employed in the Work Health and Safety field and are looking to upgrade your skills or looking to change industry and take up a new career in the Occupational Health and Safety Sector, contact the Team at Ballistic Training Today!